Uploading QuadrumSerial Library

Before the Quadrum editor can stream animations to the LED-Cube you must upload the QuadrumSerial library to your Arduino. Follow this tutorial on how to use and upload the Arduino serial library.

Connecting to Arduino

To connect to the Arduino through a serial port, select the Serial tab on the left side of the editor. Plug the Arduino in using a USB cable and wait for it to show up in the Available Ports list. Select the port in the list and click connect. For a more detailed explanation visit this page.

When a connection is established and your animation is played in the editor it will be streamed to and played on the LED-Cube.

Serial Troubleshooting

Did your serial connection fail? Don't worry, just look after your error message in the Console window (located underneath the Available Ports list). Below you can find solutions on how to fix the different errors.

connection failed

connection timed out

received improper response

Are you still receiving an error message? Feel free to contact me at geckoanton37@gmail.com.

Serial Bandwidth

If you managed to successfully connect to the cube (i.e. the console window displays the message "connected"), yet still don't get the cube to display anything (or frames appear to lag) when playing the animation in the editor you can try following these steps:

If the steps above showed that the bandwidth of the serial connection is struggling you can increase the time for which each frame is displayed, thus giving more time for every frame to be sent over to the cube. If this is not an option you can attempt decreasing the channel resolution and/or the amount of channels, the last argument in the QuadrumSerial constructor call (frame speed) cannot be too large either since Quadrum uses the time in between frames to transfer data, for more details on this visit the limitations section of the tutorial.